Namo Amituofo

Namo Amitabha Buddha

 1. Daily Nianfo (24hrs) 

You can join our 24-hour Nianfo Zoom, where we have daily morning and evening guided Nianfo sessions by volunteers. At other times you can follow Nianfo videos by Jiawen, Master Chin Kung and Master Wuxing. We also have a monthly Foqi (7-day Nianfo), and occasionally weekly Spanish Nianfo sessions. We also do our daily merit transfer in our global Nianfo WhatsApp and Telegram groups.

      a. 24-hour Daily Guided Nianfo Sessions:
Morning session: 8am - 9am
Evening session: 7pm - 9pm

Nianfo facilitators: Jialan, Jiahua, Jiaxi, Jenna & Jiayuan.

All times are China Standard Time (UTC+8). China only has one timezone, so you can Google and convert China time to your local time! Just type in e.g. 7am China time to (your city name) time.
Nianfo Zoom ID: 8808 762 4858
(you can simply click the button above on the banner)
passcode: amituofo 

Every day we will do our daily merit transfer in our WhatsApp & Telegram Global Nianfo groups. You can join our Whatsapp group here and our Telegram group here.

        b. Weekly Nianfo en español 

8am Martes (hora en Madrid; 2pm hora en China)
6pm Jueves (hora en Madrid; 12am Viernes hora en China)
(Disponible hasta 17 de agosto de 2023)

Volunteer facilitator: Sheng Li’an (base in Madrid)

c. Monthly Online Foqi (Nianfo for 7 days):

We will also host a monthly Foqi (Nianfo for 7 days) retreat in our Zoom every second Sunday (subject to change; please join our Nianfo WhatsApp and Telegram groups). The schedule will be announced in our WhatsApp and Telegram groups. We will have sutra recitation in the morning and afternoon.

Our Foqi Schedule:

Morning Nianfo: 8-9am

Evening Nianfo: 7-9pm

Every morning 9-9.30pm : Amitabha Sutra

Day 1-4: 4pm - Infinite Life Sutra

Day 5: 4pm - Visualisation Sutra

Day 6: 4pm - Practices and Vows of Bodhisattva Samantabhadra

Day 7: 4pm - Rebirth Treatise

Other times we will play Amituofo chants. We will do merit transfer at the end of each day.

We encourage more people to come and participate during Foqi. If you Nianfo during Foqi, you can also let us know your counts and we will add towards our daily recitations during Foqi.

Namo Amituofo!

Namo Amitabha Buddha!

2. Assisted Nianfo & Merit Transfer 助念及回向

If you want us to offer assisted Nianfo (within 49 days of passing) and merit transference for any beings (sending blessings and wishing for their rebirth in the Pure Land in this lifetime or merit transfer for the deceased), you can apply by filling out the form here or letting our admin know in our Global Nianfo WhatsApp group or Telegram group.

For those wish to apply for us to conduct assisted Nianfo and to have the names added to our merit transfer list, you need to commit to coming to our Nianfo Zoom for at least one hour a day to Nianfo, or report a minimum of 500 counts to us (you only need to follow but you don’t need to lead, so you aren’t required to unmute your mic) for a period of 3 months and do personal merit transfer on your own time. In that one hour, you can also volunteer to lead Nianfo for half an hour (see below for how you can apply through us in advance).

If you require urgent assisted Nianfo for the dying, you can simply email us, contact us via our website, or let our admin know in our Global Nianfo WhatsApp and Telegram groups. Inform us about the situation and we will see what we can do for you. It is best if you can help assist Nianfo by watching the three videos below, in which Jiawen talks about “How to Assist Nianfo for the Dying” and also study Patriarch Yinguang’s letter on “The Three Important Matters at the Time of Death” here.

If Jiawen and/or our volunteers have time and can make arrangements, we will also help. We can make a video call via Zoom or WhatsApp, and we can guide the person who is at the time of death to let go and Nianfo to attain rebirth, provided that family members around the person agree to process to be taken place in that circumstance. Amituofo.

      3. Apply to be our Nianfo facilitator &

Assisted Nianfo Volunteers 

“The best gift is the gift of the Dharma.” - Buddha

If you want to volunteer to be our Nianfo facilitator and lead a Nianfo session (usually half an hour per volunteer), you can apply by filling the form here and emailing it back to us. You can read the guide on how to lead a Nianfo session here. For leading Nianfo, your pace should be neither too slow nor too fast. You should just recite and not chant in different tones, as singing can be difficult for people to follow. If you are not sure how to Nianfo, you can watch a list of videos here where Jiawen talks about it and also watch our Nianfo videos below.

If you would like to be our assisted Nianfo volunteer, you can apply by filling out the form here and email it back to us.

If you want to be our assisted Nianfo volunteer, please watch the three videos on “How to Assist Nianfo for the Dying” below and also study Patriarch Yinguang’s letter on The Three Important Matters at the Time of Death here. Make sure you have a good understanding on how to conduct assisted Nianfo for the dying. Rejoice in your merit!

Namo Amituofo!

Namo Amitabha Buddha!

Namo Amituofo by Jiawen

Namo Amituofo by Jiawen

How to Assist Nianfo for the Dying (Part I)

Amituofo (3-3-4) by Jiawen

How to Assist Nianfo for the Dying (Part II)

How to Assist Nianfo for the Dying (Part II)